Monday, January 30, 2012

What is anger?

Everytime you get angry, you poision your own system. ~Alfred A. Montapert

Throughout the day people experience many feelings, amongst them, anger. Individuals may be angry with friends, family, work, school, an illness, or even themselves.

Anger is a common and normal emotion that occurs in response to an individual's perception of being threatened or harmed. Manifestations of anger can include irritability, physical or verbal attacks, negativism, rage, increased heart rate, and respiratory activity.

Anger can be continuous or intermittent, directed inward or outward, and intense or mild. Anger is often focused inward which can result in self-harm, emotional outbursts, legal issues, feelings of anxiety, and violent explosive behaviors.

However, anger can be expressed apprporiately allowing individuals to let go of stress and frustration and those around you understand that you are upset.

The trick is to manage your anger effectively so that effects you positively, not negatively. Wondering how you do this?
1. Know your anger by recognizing its symptoms (physical, emotional, and behavioral).
2. Identify the situation that has made you angry.
3. Implement coping skills to manage your anger positively.
4. Communicate effectively with self or others.

Remember you are in control of your emotions and reactions.

Need help with managing your anger, please contact our therapists at 954-800-0108.


  1. Knowing what anger is, is key. I found this website Found some good tips on ways to deal with anger.

  2. Good Morning Justin. You are 100% absolutely right. Knowing what makes you "tick" and knowing how your body responds emotionally, physically, and mentally are important keys to implementing appropriate anger management techniques. Thanks for your input and useful website.
